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FREE Pedometers Give A Way!

May 19 | , , , ,

Therapy In Motion, a local physical therapy clinic, is giving away free pedometers and walking schedules to promote healthy active lifestyles in the community.

“Since our inception in 1992, educating and motivating members of the community to live healthy lifestyles has always been a passion and priority of our business,” said co-owner Cindy Merrick, MS PT.

Beginning this month, Therapy In Motion is giving away more than 500 walking pedometers as part of a spring health and wellness campaign.

“Anyone is welcome to come to our clinic and pick up a pedometer,” Merrick said. The pedometers are free. No appointment is necessary.

Therapy In Motion is located off 24th Ave Northwest between Main Street and Robinson Street at 2475 Boardwalk. For more information, visit

Basic operational instructions are included with the device as well as a full-color Walking Guide. The walking guide includes health benefits of walking, tips for walking and a full information article on how to get started on a beginner-walking fitness program. The guide also includes a sample 12-week walking schedule and a pedometer walking log that records up to six weeks of goals, mileage, notes and progress.

“Our hope with our spring health and wellness campaign is to motivate and facilitate members of our community to take care of themselves and their families by being more active and more knowledgeable,” Merrick said.

“For most of us, health is truly in our own hands and we should take charge of our health. Taking a proactive approach now is the most cost effective and physically effective way to prevent injury, disease and chronic pain,” said co-owner Dick Stewart, PT. “As a physical therapist, I work with many patients who could have prevented an extensive surgery by taking small steps early on. Having better posture, being more active and eating better are all things that can go a long way for injury prevention. Our program can help any beginner gradually work up to walking 10,000 steps a day (close to 5 miles). Those who work sedentary jobs or children with sedentary lifestyles only typically average 1,000 to 3,000 steps per day.”